King of Avalon Weekly Growth Targets Part 55

06/02/2019 - -

Setting and evaluating weekly growth targets, part 55. Hero focus to getting as many Horns as possible, considering switch to Agravain, upgrading Elyan the White. Stables 35 started, next focus Barracks, while not many rss focus on Hospitals, Military Tents, resource buildings. Next week Range 34 as prestige level, after keep focus on Range, possible Trading Post and Watchtower for Bowmen boosts, later Stables and Barracks. Research focus now on Combat I. Equipment focus now on Flamebringer, Ice Lord +5 done. Focus on getting all Gemstones to Gold lvl 6, getting more Gesmtone Essence from farms, going quite fast with new rewards. From Spire Loot Noble Badges, Dragon EXP. Emblems Attack ones purple Luminous, rest basic Gold +6, now collecting to upgrade others to Luminous. Prestige Statues going fast with new rewards. Artifact now 1 blue, 6 purple and one orange. Now all to purple first. Library of War Arrows of Vengeance maxed, Unassailable (Infantry) lvl 3, almost Lvl 4.