All information relating to the boost type Advanced Trap Defense in Mobile Strike including what research projects increase Advanced Trap Defense and what the best gear is for Advanced Trap Defense.
Name Advanced Trap Defense
Type Percentage
Category Max Boost
Research Projects 662.0%
Buildings 100.0%
Best Gear 34.0%
Total 796.0%

Total building boosts are based on 22 Farms, Oil Wells, Iron Mines, Quarries and 15 Banks, Hospitals, Training Grounds, where applicable.
Total gear boosts are based on availability of three accessory slots.

Research Projects Giving Advanced Trap Defense Boost

Buildings Giving Advanced Trap Defense Boost

Building Total Boost
Wall 100.0%

Best Gear for Advanced Trap Defense Boost

Gear Type Gear Quality Level 6 Boost
Advanced Trap Defense
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Body Armor Winter Patrol Vest 20.0% 34 6.37M 2 Flare, 1 Arctic Camo Patch, 1 Carbonite
Footwear Ski Boots 6.0% 28 3.35M 2 Rubber Sole, 1 Carbonite, 1 Arctic Camo Patch
Helmets Winter Mask 8.0% 31 2.21M 2 Black Satin, 2 Micro Lens
Total 34.0% 34 11.93M 2 Black Satin
2 Micro Lens
2 Rubber Sole
2 Carbonite
2 Arctic Camo Patch
2 Flare

Totals are based on three accessories.

All Gear Giving Advanced Trap Defense Boost (basic boosts without enhancement)

Body Armor Quality Level 6 Boost Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Winter Patrol Vest 20.0% 34 6.37M 2 Flare, 1 Arctic Camo Patch, 1 Carbonite
Footwear Quality Level 6 Boost Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Ski Boots 6.0% 28 3.35M 2 Rubber Sole, 1 Carbonite, 1 Arctic Camo Patch
Helmets Quality Level 6 Boost Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Winter Mask 8.0% 31 2.21M 2 Black Satin, 2 Micro Lens

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