All information about the card Riot Control Trooper in Star Wars: Force Arena including the associated leader, squad, support or structure.
Name Riot Control Trooper
Quality Level Common
Card Type Squad
Card Faction Galactic Empire
Trait Deals melee damage by charging at enemies
Strong Vs. GNK Unstable Droid
Weak Vs. Rebel Grenadier, Twi'Lek Flamethrower
Cost 2
Leader/Squad 3x Riot Control Trooper
Card Level Cards Required Gold Required XP Gained
2 2 20 2
3 4 40 4
4 8 80 8
5 15 150 20
6 30 300 30
7 50 600 50
8 90 1100 90
9 170 2000 170
10 280 3600 300

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