All information relating to the boost type City Defender Defense in King of Avalon including what research projects increase City Defender Defense and what the best gear is for City Defender Defense.
Name City Defender Defense
Type Percentage
Category Max Boost
Research Projects 33.0%
Best Gear 45.0%
Total 78.0%

Research Projects Giving City Defender Defense Boost

Best Gear for City Defender Defense Boost

Gear Type Gear City Defender Defense Lord
Armor Armor of Fury (Orange) 45.0% 21 7200 Animal Hide, 3600 Bronze, 144 Sapphire, 1 Diamond
Total 45.0% 21 7200 Animal Hide
3600 Bronze
144 Sapphire
1 Diamond

All Gear Giving City Defender Defense Boost (basic boosts without enhancement)

Armor Boost Commander
Gear Cost [steel] Materials
Armor of Fury (Orange) 45.0% 21 151K 7200 Animal Hide, 3600 Bronze, 144 Sapphire, 1 Diamond

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