For March of Empires we have 1 videos 1 guides, 9 data overviews and 3 tools.

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Disqus replaced by HashOver
December 26, 2020

We have replaced our Disqus comment system by HashOver. This allowed me to removed some ads, it is no longer required to make a separate account, which makes leaving comments very low effort. It does mean all the old comments have disappeared, unfortunately.

March of Empires Icon
Discord Invite Link Corrected
June 19, 2020

The invite link I placed on the website for the discord server (for easier communication about games features on my website and youtube channel) I started recently expired, I have now added a new permanent invite link:

March of Empires Icon
Discord server created
June 1, 2020

I just added a discord server for easier communication about games features on my website and youtube channel:

March of Empires Icon
Everyone Can Add Troop Training Data
January 30, 2020

We added the possibility for everyone (as long as you register) to add training time and resource requirements for troops. As soon as this data as added the troops will automatically become available in the Troop Training Calculator tool.

March of Empires Icon
Less Ads for Registered Users
January 24, 2020

We just implemented a change making sure registered users will be confronted with less ads, which should make the experience on better. It is free to register and registration will make using our game tools easier as well.

March of Empires Icon
Adding Data
November 23, 2018

We have added a possibility to add data for building levels and research project levels for any registered user of the website. This data is typically difficult for us to provide complete ourselves, because it requires to develop a game account to the maximum to learn all data, still it is very valuable for gamers to know ahead what certain requirements are. We appreciate any help with filling in the missing building level and research project level information. We are working on extending the interface to also allow adding data in other categories, feel free to let us know if you have specific data you would like to add.

See: Building Overview for March of Empires

March of Empires Icon
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
January 22, 2018

I have been making videos for a while now to accompany most the guides I write, and from the number of views and likes I am getting I see there is quite some appreciation, and that is of course great. I am however currently faced with a small problem, YouTube has announced some changes in their partner program which mean that as it stand I am no longer elligible to stay a YouTube partner. There are two requirements, a minimum viewed hours in the last 12 month (I have almost three times more than the minimum amount), but there is also a minimum number of subscribers for which I am quite far off (a minimum of 1000, and I am currently at 500). I have so far not chased subscribers at all, and I am sure eventually I will get to 1000, but I would like to get there sooner rather than later, so I would like to ask everyone that appreciates the content that I am providing to login to youtube and subscribe to my channel so that I can keep making videos. Thanks a lot!

Video Icon
March of Empires Beginners Guide
December 29, 2016

An introduction of the MMO Strategy Game March of Empires, including explanation of alliances, relocation, the buildings, research, training troops, your champion, talent points, daily quests and adventures.

March of Empires Icon
Beginners Guide Video Added
December 29, 2016

We have just extended the Beginners Guide with a video.

See: Beginners Guide for March of Empires

March of Empires Icon
Beginners Guide Added
December 28, 2016

Beginners Guide was added to the website.

See: Beginners Guide for March of Empires

March of Empires Icon
March of Empires Coverage Started
November 15, 2016

We started adding information for the strategy game March of Empires. We plan to add data, guides, videos and tools in the weeks to come.

See: March of Empires Information

More News Articles, More Videos

March of Empires Beginners Guide

12/29/2016 - -

An introduction of the MMO Strategy Game March of Empires, including explanation of alliances, relocation, the buildings, research, training troops, your champion, talent points, daily quests and adventures.

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