Price Comparison

Comparison of items available in the shops Hero Store vs. Mining Loot with information about the relative price.

The average price ratio of items that are available in both Hero Store and Mining Loot is 0.0302. If the ratio in the table is lower than this value the item is relatively cheap in Hero Store, if higher the item is relatively cheap in Mining Loot.

Category Building Block Hero Store
Item Description
Hero Store
Credits per Unit
Mining Loot
Item Description
Mining Loot
Credits per Unit
Airship Airship EXP 110 x 100K Airship EXP from Bounty 0.0098 20K Dragon EXP 0.1850 0.0531
Airship Assault Power Small Assault Power 0.0140 Large Assault Power 0.4740 0.0295
Airship Guardian Power Small Guardian Power 0.0140 Large Guardian Power 0.4740 0.0295
Lord Lord EXP 5 x 100K Lord EXP from Bounty 0.1080 100K Lord EXP 3.70 0.0292
Resource Steel 900 x 1K Steel from Bounty 0.0600 3K Steel 4.44 0.0135
Special Aristocrat Badges 70 Aristocrat Badges from Bounty 771.43 Aristocrat Badge 29,040.00 0.0266
Special Glory Banners Glory Banner 16.00 Glory Banner 580.00 0.0276

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