All information about the building Keep in Kingdom Maker including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Commander XP Power Description Action
1 Register to Supply Data
2 Register to Supply Data
3 Register to Supply Data
4 Register to Supply Data
5 Register to Supply Data
6 Register to Supply Data
7 Register to Supply Data
8 Register to Supply Data
9 Register to Supply Data
10 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Commander XP Power Description Action
11 Register to Supply Data
12 Register to Supply Data
13 Register to Supply Data
14 Register to Supply Data
15 Register to Supply Data
16 Blacksmith 15
Range 15
Watchtower 15
102K Stone
1,000.0 Silver
33 Common Bronze
1d 04:00:00 10,000
17 Stables 16
Watchtower 16
137K Stone
1.3K Silver
66 Common Bronze
2 Common Salt
1d 06:13:00 12,000
18 Academy 17
Watchtower 17
204K Stone
2.1K Silver
170 Common Bronze
3 Common Salt
8 Uncommon Bronze
1d 22:37:00 10,800
19 Barracks 18
Siege Factory 8
Watchtower 18
307K Stone
3.1K Silver
330 Common Bronze
8 Common Salt
15 Uncommon Bronze
2d 17:50:00 12,400
20 Range 19
Watchtower 19
437K Stone
4.4K Silver
990 Common Bronze
66 Common Salt
30 Uncommon Bronze
3d 12:36:00 9,500
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Commander XP Power Description Action
21 Stables 20
Watchtower 20
747K Stone
7.5K Silver
2,200 Common Bronze
250 Common Salt
60 Uncommon Bronze
4d 10:00:00 10,500
22 Register to Supply Data
23 Register to Supply Data
24 Register to Supply Data
25 Register to Supply Data
26 Register to Supply Data
27 Register to Supply Data
28 Register to Supply Data
29 Register to Supply Data
30 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Commander XP Power Description Action
Total Blacksmith 15
Range 19
Watchtower 20
Stables 20
Academy 17
Barracks 18
Siege Factory 8
1.93M Stone
19K Silver
3,789 Common Bronze
329 Common Salt
113 Uncommon Bronze
14d 25:16:00 65,200
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