Name Troop Health (Ultimate Grand Protector)
Type Special Event (Ultimate Grand Protector)
Primary Boost Troop Health Bonus (click this link to see a complete overview of ways to increase this boost, including the best gear)
Matching Mod Sets Same Primary Boost:
Troop Health (Domination Mod Set)
Troop Health (Arctic Mod Set)
Troop Health (Halloween Mod Set)
Troop Health (Holiday Mod Set)
Troop Health Mod Set
Description Also provides a large number of other defense and health boosts. P
Remark This is one of the official Set Gear to which the Set Gear Bonuses are applicable.

Related Pages

Tool(s): Gear Set Comparison

Data Page(s): Gear Sets

Gear for Troop Health (Ultimate Grand Protector)

Gear Type Gear Commander
Gear Cost [coin] Lvl 6 Boosts Materials
Accessories Ultimate Grand Protector Riot Shield 50 4.44M 4,667.0% Armored Vehicle Defense
4,667.0% Army Defense
5,333,333.0% Control Point Holding Combat Shielding
5,333,333.0% Control Point Rally Combat Shielding
2,000,000.0% Control Point Trap Health
5,333,333.0% Control Point Troop Health Bonus
4,667.0% Infantry Defense
2,000,000.0% Rally Trap Health vs Control Point
5,333,333.0% Rally Troop Health Bonus
4,667.0% Tactical Defense
13,333,334.0% Troop Combat Shielding for your Base
4,667.0% Troop Defense Bonus
4,667.0% Troop Health Bonus
3 Reinforced Plating
1 Reinforced Bulletproof Glass
Body Armor Ultimate Grand Protector Battle Armor 50 4.94M 4,958.0% Armored Vehicle Defense
4,958.0% Army Defense
5,666,667.0% Control Point Holding Combat Shielding
5,666,667.0% Control Point Rally Combat Shielding
2,125,000.0% Control Point Trap Health
5,666,667.0% Control Point Troop Health Bonus
4,958.0% Infantry Defense
2,125,000.0% Rally Trap Health vs Control Point
5,666,667.0% Rally Troop Health Bonus
4,958.0% Tactical Defense
14,166,667.0% Troop Combat Shielding for your Base
4,958.0% Troop Defense Bonus
4,958.0% Troop Health Bonus
3 Reinforced Plating
1 Reinforced Gauntlet
Footwear Ultimate Grand Protector Crushers 50 4.42M 4,958.0% Armored Vehicle Defense
4,958.0% Army Defense
5,666,667.0% Control Point Holding Combat Shielding
5,666,667.0% Control Point Rally Combat Shielding
2,125,000.0% Control Point Trap Health
5,666,667.0% Control Point Troop Health Bonus
4,958.0% Infantry Defense
2,125,000.0% Rally Trap Health vs Control Point
5,666,667.0% Rally Troop Health Bonus
4,958.0% Tactical Defense
14,166,667.0% Troop Combat Shielding for your Base
4,958.0% Troop Defense Bonus
4,958.0% Troop Health Bonus
3 Reinforced Plating
1 Reinforced Brace
Helmets Ultimate Grand Protector Helmet 50 5.23M 5,833.0% Armored Vehicle Defense
5,833.0% Army Defense
6,666,667.0% Control Point Holding Combat Shielding
6,666,667.0% Control Point Rally Combat Shielding
2,500,000.0% Control Point Trap Health
6,666,667.0% Control Point Troop Health Bonus
5,833.0% Infantry Defense
2,500,000.0% Rally Trap Health vs Control Point
6,666,667.0% Rally Troop Health Bonus
5,833.0% Tactical Defense
50.0% Troop Attack Bonus
16,666,667.0% Troop Combat Shielding for your Base
5,833.0% Troop Defense Bonus
5,833.0% Troop Health Bonus
4 Reinforced Plating
Weapons Ultimate Grand Protector Baton 50 4.87M 5,250.0% Armored Vehicle Defense
5,250.0% Army Defense
6,000,000.0% Control Point Holding Combat Shielding
6,000,000.0% Control Point Rally Combat Shielding
2,250,000.0% Control Point Trap Health
6,000,000.0% Control Point Troop Health Bonus
5,250.0% Infantry Defense
2,250,000.0% Rally Trap Health vs Control Point
6,000,000.0% Rally Troop Health Bonus
5,250.0% Tactical Defense
15,000,000.0% Troop Combat Shielding for your Base
5,250.0% Troop Defense Bonus
5,250.0% Troop Health Bonus
3 Reinforced Plating
1 Reinforced Canister
Base Bonus (5) 500.0% Mass Deployment Recall Speed
Full Bonus (7) 1,000.0% Advanced Troop Defense Bonus
1,000.0% Advanced Troop Health Bonus
1,000.0% Troop Defense Bonus
1,000.0% Troop Health Bonus
Total 50 32.77M 100,000,003.0% Troop Combat Shielding for your Base
40,000,000.0% Control Point Holding Combat Shielding
40,000,000.0% Control Point Rally Combat Shielding
40,000,000.0% Control Point Troop Health Bonus
40,000,000.0% Rally Troop Health Bonus
15,000,000.0% Control Point Trap Health
15,000,000.0% Rally Trap Health vs Control Point
36,000.0% Troop Defense Bonus
36,000.0% Troop Health Bonus
35,000.0% Armored Vehicle Defense
35,000.0% Army Defense
35,000.0% Infantry Defense
35,000.0% Tactical Defense
1,000.0% Advanced Troop Defense Bonus
1,000.0% Advanced Troop Health Bonus
500.0% Mass Deployment Recall Speed
50.0% Troop Attack Bonus
22 Reinforced Plating
3 Reinforced Bulletproof Glass
1 Reinforced Gauntlet
1 Reinforced Brace
1 Reinforced Canister

Totals are based on three accessories and full set bonus, where applicable.

Related Pages

Tool(s): Gear Set Comparison

Data Page(s): Gear Sets

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