
Recently Advanced Traps were introduced and soon Advanced Troops will be introduced. Some boosts valid for Regular Traps and Troops have automatically been extended to include troops for Advanced Traps and Troops as well, for other boosts this is not the case. This is slightly different from Game of War. We will give an explanation per category providing boosts in this guide.


The combat boosts for Training Grounds, Hospitals and Banks are extended to Advanced Troops as well.


The Combat and Traps Research Trees should be seen as Regular Combat and Regular Traps, as the boosts related to the research projects in these categories only apply to the regular traps and troops. There already is an Advanced Traps research category and soon there will be an Advanced Troop category, the boosts acquired in those will only apply to Advanced Traps and Troops.

The Trap and Troop Attack and Defense boosts that can be acquired via the Commander research category initially only applied to Regular Traps and Troops, this was corrected end of June 2016 after which they also applied to Advanced Troops and Traps, which is the same as how it works in Game of War.

Gear, Mods, Cores and Attachments

The combat boosts for Gear, Mods, Cores and Attachments are extended to Advanced Troops as well.


The VIP boosts are not automatically extended on lower levels. Only from VIP Prestige Level 3 onwards do the combat boosts also apply to Advanced Troops.

Commander Skill Points

The Commander Skill Points boosts initially did not apply to Advanced Troops and Traps, this was corrected end of June 2016, now the boosts apply to both Regular and Advanced Troops.


The combat boosts from War Items such as the 12/24 hours Attack and Defense Boosts do also apply to Advanced Troops.


Once you have reached VIP Prestige 3 all Combat related boosts either apply to both Regular and Advanced Troops or, in case of the Combat and Trap Research, have a counterpart providing the same boost. This makes Advanced Troops and Traps superior to Regular Troops and Traps.

Contributed by: on May 17, 2016

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