
Yesterday the building upgrades level 23, 24 and 25 were introduced. In this guide we discuss these upgrades. We focus on the benefits, not the costs.

Cost Update

We have now filled in most of the resource, hammer and time costs, as well as the prerequisites. See our Building overview for the details per building.


The costs are high, even compared to upgrading your building to level 22. Even if you still had the trillions of required resources and millions of Legendary Hammers lying around, you will need to purchase a pack for Headquarters 23 Blueprint that is a requirement for upgrading your Headquarters to level 23. I don't know requirements for levels 24 and 25, but it is naieve to think you will be done with one pack, if the past is any indication it will be far from that.

There are some benefits that cannot be achieved anyway else, which we will discuss below, so irrespective of the high cost, it will be worth it to get the competitive edge (or not fall behind).


Find below a table with the boosts associated with the upgrade to levels 23 to 25 for each building. In the second column you see the cumulative boost until level 22, in the next columns the incremental lvl 23, 24 and 25 boosts, and in the last column the cumulative boosts for lvl 1 to 25. This way you can see what you get from the lvl 23, 24 and 25 boosts and see the total you have once you completed the lvl 25 upgrade.

Building Lvl 22 Cum. Boosts Lvl 23 Inc. Boosts Lvl 24 Inc. Boosts Lvl 25 Inc. Boosts Lvl 25 Cum. Boosts
Armory Manufacturing Speed: 175.0%
Normal Equipment Manufacturing Cost Reduction: 5.0%
Prototype Gear Duration: 5.0%
Prototype Gear Manufacturing Cost Reduction: 5.0%
Manufacturing Speed: 50.0%
Prototype Gear Duration: 1.0%
Manufacturing Speed: 75.0%
Prototype Gear Duration: 1.5%
Manufacturing Speed: 100.0%
Prototype Gear Duration: 2.5%
Manufacturing Speed: 400.0%
Normal Equipment Manufacturing Cost Reduction: 5.0%
Prototype Gear Duration: 10.0%
Prototype Gear Manufacturing Cost Reduction: 5.0%
Arsenal Active Ammunition Types: +1 Active Ammunition Types: +1
Assault Vehicle Hangar Control Point Trap Health: 700,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Control Point Troop Health Bonus: 1,400,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Hunter Combat Vehicle: +1
Indestructible Defense: 82,000,000,000.0%
Overpowered Attack: 56,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Trap Health: 700,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Troop Health Bonus: 1,400,000,000,000,000,000.0%
STR 1KR Combat Vehicle: +1
Control Point Trap Health: 50,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Control Point Troop Health Bonus: 100,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Indestructible Defense: 1,000,000,000.0%
Overpowered Attack: 4,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Trap Health: 50,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Troop Health Bonus: 100,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Control Point Trap Health: 50,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Control Point Troop Health Bonus: 100,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Indestructible Defense: 1,000,000,000.0%
Overpowered Attack: 4,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Trap Health: 50,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Troop Health Bonus: 100,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Control Point Trap Health: 50,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Control Point Troop Health Bonus: 100,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Indestructible Defense: 1,000,000,000.0%
Overpowered Attack: 4,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Trap Health: 50,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Troop Health Bonus: 100,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Control Point Trap Health: 850,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Control Point Troop Health Bonus: 1,700,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Hunter Combat Vehicle: +1
Indestructible Defense: 85,000,000,000.0%
Overpowered Attack: 68,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Trap Health: 850,000,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Troop Health Bonus: 1,700,000,000,000,000,000.0%
STR 1KR Combat Vehicle: +1
Bank Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 3.0%
Coin Base Capacity: 722,400
Coin Hourly Production: 5,082
Training Speed: 27.0%
Troop Attack Bonus: 3.0%
Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 22.0%
Armor Piercing for All Types: 50.0%
Coin Base Capacity: 144,480
Coin Hourly Production: 508
Training Speed: 2.0%
Troop Attack Bonus: 22.0%
Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 30.0%
Armor Piercing for All Types: 100.0%
Coin Base Capacity: 173,376
Coin Hourly Production: 559
Training Speed: 2.5%
Troop Attack Bonus: 30.0%
Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 45.0%
Armor Piercing for All Types: 150.0%
Coin Base Capacity: 208,051
Coin Hourly Production: 615
Training Speed: 3.5%
Troop Attack Bonus: 45.0%
Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 100.0%
Armor Piercing for All Types: 300.0%
Coin Base Capacity: 1,248,307
Coin Hourly Production: 6,764
Training Speed: 35.0%
Troop Attack Bonus: 100.0%
Biotech Lab Increase Serum Duration: 30d 00:00:00
Ingredients Manufacturing Slots: +6
Serum Army Attack: 12,000.0%
Serum Army Defense: 800.0%
Serum Army Health: 800.0%
Serum Max Range Boost: 650.0%
Serum Min Range Boost: 22.0%
Serum Army Attack: 6,000.0%
Serum Army Defense: 400.0%
Serum Army Health: 400.0%
Serum Max Range Boost: 50.0%
Serum Min Range Boost: 1.0%
Serum Army Attack: 6,000.0%
Serum Army Defense: 400.0%
Serum Army Health: 400.0%
Serum Max Range Boost: 100.0%
Serum Min Range Boost: 1.0%
Serum Army Attack: 6,000.0%
Serum Army Defense: 400.0%
Serum Army Health: 400.0%
Serum Max Range Boost: 200.0%
Serum Min Range Boost: 1.0%
Increase Serum Duration: 30d 00:00:00
Ingredients Manufacturing Slots: +6
Serum Army Attack: 30,000.0%
Serum Army Defense: 2,000.0%
Serum Army Health: 2,000.0%
Serum Max Range Boost: 1,000.0%
Serum Min Range Boost: 25.0%
Black Market Mobile Trap Attack: 1,560,000,000,000.0% Mobile Trap Attack: 520,000,000,000.0% Mobile Trap Attack: 520,000,000,000.0% Mobile Trap Attack: 520,000,000,000.0% Mobile Trap Attack: 3,120,000,000,000.0%
Combat Lab Disassemble Enhance Refund: 10.0%
Enhancement Efficiency: 14.0%
Max Core Power Level: +7
Max Normal Power Level: +12
Max Normal Power Level: +1 Max Normal Power Level: +2 Max Normal Power Level: +5 Disassemble Enhance Refund: 10.0%
Enhancement Efficiency: 14.0%
Max Core Power Level: +7
Max Normal Power Level: +20
Covert Ops Center Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 600.0%
Advanced Troop Defense Bonus: 600.0%
Advanced Troop Health Bonus: 600.0%
Rebel Base Deployment Size Bonus: +50,000
Troop Attack Bonus: 600.0%
Troop Defense Bonus: 600.0%
Troop Health Bonus: 600.0%
Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 600.0%
Advanced Troop Defense Bonus: 400.0%
Advanced Troop Health Bonus: 600.0%
Troop Attack Bonus: 600.0%
Troop Defense Bonus: 400.0%
Troop Health Bonus: 600.0%
Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 600.0%
Advanced Troop Defense Bonus: 1,000.0%
Advanced Troop Health Bonus: 600.0%
Troop Attack Bonus: 600.0%
Troop Defense Bonus: 1,000.0%
Troop Health Bonus: 600.0%
Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 700.0%
Advanced Troop Defense Bonus: 1,000.0%
Advanced Troop Health Bonus: 700.0%
Troop Attack Bonus: 700.0%
Troop Defense Bonus: 1,000.0%
Troop Health Bonus: 700.0%
Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 2,500.0%
Advanced Troop Defense Bonus: 3,000.0%
Advanced Troop Health Bonus: 2,500.0%
Rebel Base Deployment Size Bonus: +50,000
Troop Attack Bonus: 2,500.0%
Troop Defense Bonus: 3,000.0%
Troop Health Bonus: 2,500.0%
Death Row Death Row Attack Bonus: 40.0%
Death Row Defense Bonus: 40.0%
Death Row Health Bonus: 40.0%
Death Row Speed Bonus: 22.0%
Death Row Attack Bonus: 110.0%
Death Row Defense Bonus: 110.0%
Death Row Health Bonus: 110.0%
Death Row Speed Bonus:
Death Row Attack Bonus: 500.0%
Death Row Defense Bonus: 500.0%
Death Row Health Bonus: 500.0%
Death Row Speed Bonus: 22.0%
Embassy Embassy Defense Bonus: 15.0%
Embassy Troop Capacity Increase: +1,250,000
Embassy Defense Bonus: 10.0%
Embassy Troop Capacity Increase: +1,000,000
Embassy Defense Bonus: 10.0%
Embassy Troop Capacity Increase: +1,750,000
Embassy Defense Bonus: 15.0%
Embassy Troop Capacity Increase: +3,000,000
Embassy Defense Bonus: 50.0%
Embassy Troop Capacity Increase: +7,000,000
Farm Food Base Capacity: 1,806,000
Food Hourly Production: 42,000
Food Base Capacity: 903,000
Food Hourly Production: 42,000
Food Base Capacity: 1,354,500
Food Hourly Production: 84,000
Food Base Capacity: 2,031,750
Food Hourly Production: 168,000
Food Base Capacity: 6,095,250
Food Hourly Production: 336,000
Gold Mine
Graveyard Armored Vehicle Armor Piercing: 1,000.0%
Army Attack: 250,000.0%
Army Control Point Health: 400,000.0%
Army Rally Health: 400,000.0%
Infantry Armor Piercing: 1,000.0%
Tactical Armor Piercing: 1,000.0%
Armored Vehicle Armor Piercing: 1,000.0%
Army Attack: 250,000.0%
Army Control Point Health: 400,000.0%
Army Rally Health: 400,000.0%
Infantry Armor Piercing: 1,000.0%
Tactical Armor Piercing: 1,000.0%
Hall of Heroes Commander Skill Points: +20
Commander XP Modifier: 135.0%
Commander XP Retention: 96.0%
Rebel Target Skill Points: +12
Commander Skill Points: +10
Commander XP Modifier: 15.0%
Commander XP Retention: 1.0%
Rebel Target Skill Points: +3
Commander Skill Points: +5
Commander XP Modifier: 20.0%
Commander XP Retention: 1.0%
Rebel Target Skill Points: +4
Commander Skill Points: +5
Commander XP Modifier: 30.0%
Commander XP Retention: 1.0%
Rebel Target Skill Points: +6
Commander Skill Points: +40
Commander XP Modifier: 200.0%
Commander XP Retention: 99.0%
Rebel Target Skill Points: +25
Headquarters Alliance Help Maximum: +21
Deployment Capacity: +350,000
Deployment Slots: +5
Deployment Capacity: +400,000 Deployment Capacity: +450,000 Deployment Capacity: +650,000 Alliance Help Maximum: +21
Deployment Capacity: +1,850,000
Deployment Slots: +5
Hospital Advanced Troop Health Bonus: 7.0%
Hospital Capacity: +50,000
Hospital Healing Speed: 10.0%
Troop Health Bonus: 7.0%
Advanced Troop Health Bonus: 18.0%
Hospital Capacity: +35,000
Troop Health Bonus: 18.0%
Advanced Troop Health Bonus: 30.0%
Hospital Capacity: +40,000
Troop Health Bonus: 30.0%
Advanced Troop Health Bonus: 45.0%
Hospital Capacity: +75,000
Troop Health Bonus: 45.0%
Advanced Troop Health Bonus: 100.0%
Hospital Capacity: +200,000
Hospital Healing Speed: 10.0%
Troop Health Bonus: 100.0%
Iron Mine Iron Base Capacity: 1,083,600
Iron Hourly Production: 25,200
Iron Base Capacity: 541,800
Iron Hourly Production: 25,200
Iron Base Capacity: 812,700
Iron Hourly Production: 50,400
Iron Base Capacity: 1,219,050
Iron Hourly Production: 100,800
Iron Base Capacity: 3,657,150
Iron Hourly Production: 201,600
Memorial Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 550.0%
Troop Attack Bonus: 550.0%
Ultimate Elimination Delay Reduction: 4d 00:00:00
Ultimate Elimination Delay Reduction: 00:30:00 Advanced Troop Attack Bonus: 550.0%
Troop Attack Bonus: 550.0%
Ultimate Elimination Delay Reduction: 4d 00:30:00
Mobile Ops Army Attack: 7,250,000,000,000.0% Army Attack: 2,080,000,000,000.0% Army Attack: 2,070,000,000,000.0% Army Attack: 2,100,000,000,000.0% Army Attack: 13,500,000,000,000.0%
Monument 2nd Insignia Slot: +1
Control Point Troop Health Bonus: 112,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Troop Health Bonus: 112,000,000,000,000.0%
Control Point Troop Health Bonus: 5,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Troop Health Bonus: 5,000,000,000,000.0%
Control Point Troop Health Bonus: 4,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Troop Health Bonus: 4,000,000,000,000.0%
Control Point Troop Health Bonus: 5,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Troop Health Bonus: 5,000,000,000,000.0%
2nd Insignia Slot: +1
Control Point Troop Health Bonus: 126,000,000,000,000.0%
Rally Troop Health Bonus: 126,000,000,000,000.0%
Oil Well Oil Base Capacity: 1,444,800
Oil Hourly Production: 33,600
Oil Base Capacity: 722,400
Oil Hourly Production: 33,600
Oil Base Capacity: 1,083,600
Oil Hourly Production: 67,200
Oil Base Capacity: 1,625,400
Oil Hourly Production: 134,400
Oil Base Capacity: 4,876,200
Oil Hourly Production: 268,800
Prison Execution Delay Reduction: 1d 18:00:00 Execution Delay Reduction: 00:00:00 Execution Delay Reduction: 00:00:00 Execution Delay Reduction: 00:00:00 Execution Delay Reduction: 1d 18:00:00
Quarry Stone Base Capacity: 1,444,800
Stone Hourly Production: 33,600
Stone Base Capacity: 722,400
Stone Hourly Production: 33,600
Stone Base Capacity: 1,083,600
Stone Hourly Production: 67,200
Stone Base Capacity: 1,625,400
Stone Hourly Production: 134,400
Stone Base Capacity: 4,876,200
Stone Hourly Production: 268,800
Radar Station Radar Station Attack Penalty: 12.0%
Radar Station Capability: +21
Radar Station Attack Penalty: 8.0% Radar Station Attack Penalty: 10.0% Radar Station Attack Penalty: 20.0% Radar Station Attack Penalty: 50.0%
Radar Station Capability: +21
Research Facility Research Speed: 30.0% Research Speed: 5.0% Research Speed: 10.0% Research Speed: 15.0% Research Speed: 60.0%
Speed Up Factory Army Armor Piercing: 12,500,000.0% Army Armor Piercing: 4,100,000.0% Army Armor Piercing: 4,200,000.0% Army Armor Piercing: 4,200,000.0% Army Armor Piercing: 25,000,000.0%
Trading Post Gathering Speed: 10.0%
Gold Gathering Speed: 10.0%
Resource Help Capacity: +4,000,000
Resource Tax Decrease: 22.0%
Trade Deployment Speed: 125.0%
Troop Load: 10.0%
Gathering Speed: 5.0%
Gold Gathering Speed: 5.0%
Resource Help Capacity: +1,000,000
Resource Tax Decrease:
Trade Deployment Speed: 25.0%
Troop Load: 5.0%
Gathering Speed: 5.0%
Gold Gathering Speed: 5.0%
Resource Help Capacity: +2,000,000
Resource Tax Decrease:
Trade Deployment Speed: 50.0%
Troop Load: 5.0%
Gathering Speed: 10.0%
Gold Gathering Speed: 10.0%
Resource Help Capacity: +3,000,000
Resource Tax Decrease:
Trade Deployment Speed: 50.0%
Troop Load: 10.0%
Gathering Speed: 30.0%
Gold Gathering Speed: 30.0%
Resource Help Capacity: +10,000,000
Resource Tax Decrease: 22.0%
Trade Deployment Speed: 250.0%
Troop Load: 30.0%
Training Grounds Advanced Troop Defense Bonus: 12.0%
Troop Defense Bonus: 12.0%
Troop Queue: +10,000
Accuracy for All Types: 50.0%
Advanced Troop Defense Bonus: 2.0%
Troop Defense Bonus: 2.0%
Troop Queue: +7,500
Accuracy for All Types: 100.0%
Advanced Troop Defense Bonus: 2.5%
Troop Defense Bonus: 2.5%
Troop Queue: +10,000
Accuracy for All Types: 150.0%
Advanced Troop Defense Bonus: 3.5%
Troop Defense Bonus: 3.5%
Troop Queue: +12,500
Accuracy for All Types: 300.0%
Advanced Troop Defense Bonus: 20.0%
Troop Defense Bonus: 20.0%
Troop Queue: +40,000
Vault Army Defense: 550,000,000.0%
Bonus Interest Rate 1 Day: 18.0%
Bonus Interest Rate 14 Days: 39.0%
Bonus Interest Rate 3 Days: 27.0%
Bonus Interest Rate 7 Days: 29.0%
Maximum Deposit 1 Day: 5,800
Maximum Deposit 14 Days: 30,000
Maximum Deposit 3 Days: 10,000
Maximum Deposit 7 Days: 25,000
Army Defense: 25,000,000.0% Army Defense: 20,000,000.0% Army Defense: 25,000,000.0% Army Defense: 620,000,000.0%
Bonus Interest Rate 1 Day: 18.0%
Bonus Interest Rate 14 Days: 39.0%
Bonus Interest Rate 3 Days: 27.0%
Bonus Interest Rate 7 Days: 29.0%
Maximum Deposit 1 Day: 5,800
Maximum Deposit 14 Days: 30,000
Maximum Deposit 3 Days: 10,000
Maximum Deposit 7 Days: 25,000
Wall Advanced Trap Attack: 15.0%
Advanced Trap Defense: 15.0%
Trap Attack: 15.0%
Trap Capacity: +225,000
Trap Defense: 15.0%
Trap Training Speed: 15.0%
Advanced Trap Attack: 15.0%
Advanced Trap Defense: 15.0%
Trap Attack: 15.0%
Trap Capacity: +100,000
Trap Defense: 15.0%
Trap Training Speed: 5.0%
Advanced Trap Attack: 25.0%
Advanced Trap Defense: 25.0%
Trap Attack: 25.0%
Trap Capacity: +175,000
Trap Defense: 25.0%
Trap Training Speed: 20.0%
Advanced Trap Attack: 45.0%
Advanced Trap Defense: 45.0%
Trap Attack: 45.0%
Trap Capacity: +250,000
Trap Defense: 45.0%
Trap Training Speed: 20.0%
Advanced Trap Attack: 100.0%
Advanced Trap Defense: 100.0%
Trap Attack: 100.0%
Trap Capacity: +750,000
Trap Defense: 100.0%
Trap Training Speed: 60.0%
War Room Rally Attack Bonus: 10.0%
Rally Capacity: +2,500,000
Rally Attack Bonus: 10.0%
Rally Capacity: +3,250,000
Rally Attack Bonus: 10.0%
Rally Capacity: +3,000,000
Rally Attack Bonus: 20.0%
Rally Capacity: +5,750,000
Rally Attack Bonus: 50.0%
Rally Capacity: +14,500,000
Warehouse Warehouse Capacity: +10,000,000 Warehouse Capacity: +100,000,000 Warehouse Capacity: +500,000,000 Warehouse Capacity: +1,000,000,000 Warehouse Capacity: +1,610,000,000


As you can see in the table above for a lot of buildings the boosts for level 23-25 are quite small, considering the tremendous cost, but also compared to the additional boosts for the earlier levels.

The Farm, Iron Mine, Oil Well and Quarry all give a good increase in capacity and production compared to earlier levels. Still, what I noted when level 22 was introduced is even more true now, it will take a long time before the increased production rates will pay back the trillions of resources you need to invest for these upgrades.

The Armory gives a significant manufacturing speed boost and a small Prototype Gear Duration Boost. Although the manufacturing speed boost is significant, spending a few more or less speed ups will not matter to most players. Being able to use an expensive Prototype Gear longer will make a difference.

The Bank increases the coin base capacity and production, but nothing spectacular. There is a small training speed increase. The combat boosts are more significant, with a 300% Armor Piercing Boost and 100% Troop Attack boost.

The Death Row gives a major increase in combat boosts compared to level 22, going from 40% to 500%.

The Embassy increases the capacity significant, more or less in line with the increase in Deployment Size. The Embassy defense bonus has a significant increase from 15% to 50%.

The Hall of Heroes increase in Commander XP Modifier is average, the Commander XP Retention increases to 99%, but one will still revive his Commander instead of hiring a new one. There are a fair number of extra Skill and Rebel Skill points as well.

The Headquarters level 23-25 upgrade gives a huge benefit, increasing to a total Deployment Size of 1,850,000. This huge from the previous 350,000 and will make many targets previously too strong for solo attacks now easy.

The Hospital gives a major increase in Troop Health, from 7% to 100%. The additional Hospital Capacity is also significant, going from 50,000 to 200,000 per hospital.

The Prison gives an increase in the (Advanced) Troop Attack boosts for holding commanders. The maximum boost increases from 35% to 150%.

The Radar Station introduces a new feature at level 23, it gives insight in the research a target has completed. In addition the troop attack penalty that incoming marches suffer increases from 12% to 50%.

The Research Facility gives another 30% Research Speed increase to a total of 60%.

The Trading Post increases the Trading Capacity a lot to 10,000,000, while the Tax stays the same. The (Gold) Gathering, Troop Load and Trade Deployment Speed boosts have an average increase.

The Training Grounds provide a new Accuracy boost, a total of 300% at Level 25. The troop defense bonus is relatively small, going from 12% to 20%. The training queue increases significant from 10,000 to 40,000, but probably most players have other ways to increase the training queue already.

The Walls give relatively large boosts in the Trap Capacity and Trap Attack and Defense, but since the importance of Troops compared to Traps only becomes higher, these are not so relevant.

The War Room gives a huge increase in Rally Capacity, from 2,500,000 to 14,500,000. This is a large difference, trap accounts have some work to do to adapt to this new reality.

The Warehouse capacity is increased from 10 million to 1.61 billion. A huge increase, but considering you need trillions to do these building upgrades, it is still small.


Like with level 22 it is again the War Room that is the most important addition. I don't know the prerequisites of level 24 and 25 yet, but for level 23 the War Room has a total of 7 prerequisite buildings.

In general there seems to be less consistency with respect to prerequisites of lower levels of the buildings.


There are some benefits of the Building levels 23-25 upgrade that are worth it, no matter the costs (for those willing to pay), mostly the increased Deployment and Rally Size. A lot of the others are not worth it, but these two are game changers.

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Data Page(s): Buildings

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