All information about the building Mine Shaft in World War Rising including prerequisites, resource requirements, time, Power increase and boosts.
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Metal Production
Metal Production
Hero XP Power Description Action
1 170.0 Metal
290.0 Stone
00:01:10 +25,000 (inc)
+25,000 (cum)
+50 (inc)
+50 (cum)
60 12 Register to Supply Data
2 240.0 Metal
420.0 Stone
00:01:30 +4,000 (inc)
+29,000 (cum)
+40 (inc)
+90 (cum)
70 18 Register to Supply Data
3 270.0 Metal
480.0 Stone
00:02:00 +4,000 (inc)
+33,000 (cum)
+100 (inc)
+190 (cum)
90 24 Register to Supply Data
4 310.0 Energy
240.0 Food
720.0 Metal
1.4K Stone
100.0 Wood
00:02:40 +7,000 (inc)
+40,000 (cum)
+160 (inc)
+350 (cum)
100 30 Register to Supply Data
5 Command Center 5 540.0 Energy
420.0 Food
1.3K Metal
2.4K Stone
180.0 Wood
00:03:40 +8,000 (inc)
+48,000 (cum)
+250 (inc)
+600 (cum)
110 36
6 Command Center 6 930.0 Energy
720.0 Food
2.2K Metal
4.1K Stone
310.0 Wood
00:05:00 +10,000 (inc)
+58,000 (cum)
+300 (inc)
+900 (cum)
120 42
7 Command Center 7 1.6K Energy
1.3K Food
3.8K Metal
7.2K Stone
540.0 Wood
00:06:50 +12,000 (inc)
+70,000 (cum)
+400 (inc)
+1,300 (cum)
130 48
8 Command Center 8 2.8K Energy
2.2K Food
6.5K Metal
12K Stone
930.0 Wood
00:09:10 +14,000 (inc)
+84,000 (cum)
+400 (inc)
+1,700 (cum)
150 54
9 Command Center 9 4.9K Energy
3.8K Food
11K Metal
22K Stone
1.6K Wood
00:12:20 +11,000 (inc)
+95,000 (cum)
+390 (inc)
+2,090 (cum)
160 60
10 Command Center 10 8.4K Energy
6.5K Food
20K Metal
37K Stone
2.8K Wood
00:22:20 +10,300 (inc)
+105,300 (cum)
+430 (inc)
+2,520 (cum)
170 66
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Metal Production
Metal Production
Hero XP Power Description Action
11 Command Center 11 13K Energy
10K Food
31K Metal
60K Stone
4.5K Wood
00:36:08 +11,150 (inc)
+116,450 (cum)
+370 (inc)
+2,890 (cum)
180 72
12 Command Center 12 21K Energy
16K Food
48K Metal
91K Stone
6.9K Wood
01:01:58 +9,950 (inc)
+126,400 (cum)
+390 (inc)
+3,280 (cum)
220 78
13 Command Center 13 30K Energy
23K Food
70K Metal
134K Stone
10K Wood
01:44:34 +9,350 (inc)
+135,750 (cum)
+400 (inc)
+3,680 (cum)
300 84
14 Command Center 14 42K Energy
33K Food
98K Metal
187K Stone
14K Wood
03:02:42 +8,450 (inc)
+144,200 (cum)
+310 (inc)
+3,990 (cum)
400 90
15 Command Center 15 58K Energy
79K Food
136K Metal
259K Stone
19K Wood
05:25:56 +7,250 (inc)
+151,450 (cum)
+300 (inc)
+4,290 (cum)
510 96
16 Command Center 16 93K Energy
73K Food
217K Metal
414K Stone
101K Wood
08:27:54 +5,750 (inc)
+157,200 (cum)
+210 (inc)
+4,500 (cum)
710 102
17 Command Center 17 196K Energy
152K Food
456K Metal
1.09M Stone
65K Wood
12:37:34 1,290 108
18 Register to Supply Data
19 Register to Supply Data
20 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Metal Production
Metal Production
Hero XP Power Description Action
21 Register to Supply Data
22 Register to Supply Data
23 Register to Supply Data
24 Register to Supply Data
25 Register to Supply Data
26 Register to Supply Data
27 Register to Supply Data
28 Register to Supply Data
29 Register to Supply Data
30 Register to Supply Data
Level Prerequisites Resources Original Time Metal Production
Metal Production
Hero XP Power Description Action
Total Command Center 17 473K Energy
402K Food
1.10M Metal
2.32M Stone
228K Wood
1d 09:63:26 +157,200 +4,500 4,770 1,020

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