All information relating to the boost type Infantry Armor Piercing in Mobile Strike including what research projects increase Infantry Armor Piercing and what the best gear is for Infantry Armor Piercing.
Name Infantry Armor Piercing
Type Percentage
Category Max Boost
Commander Skill Trees 55,160,000.0%
VIP Levels 10,000.0%
Buildings 85,901,000.0%
Best Gear 10,000.0%
All Standard Mods 1,575.0%
All Special Mods 700.0%
Best Mod Set 2,345.0%
Total 141,083,275.0%

Total vip boosts are based on VIP Prestige.
Total building boosts are based on 22 Farms, Oil Wells, Iron Mines, Quarries and 15 Banks, Hospitals, Training Grounds, where applicable.
Total gear boosts are based on availability of three accessory slots.
Total standard mod boosts are calculated based on 7 times the boost of the best 3 mods (as far as available).
Total special mod boosts are calculated based on 7 times the boost of the best special mod (as far as available).

Commander Skills Giving Infantry Armor Piercing Boost

Max VIP Levels Giving Infantry Armor Piercing Boost

VIP Level Total Boost
VIP 150 2,500.0%
VIP 160 10,000.0%

Buildings Giving Infantry Armor Piercing Boost

Building Total Boost
Graveyard 85,901,000.0%

Best Gear for Infantry Armor Piercing Boost

Gear Type Gear Quality Level 6 Boost
Infantry Armor Piercing
Gear Cost [coin] Materials
Accessories Silent Exalted Vanquisher Grenade 1,500.0% 50 4.44M 3 Pristine Combat Armor, 1 Pristine Lever
Body Armor Silent Exalted Vanquisher Armor 1,200.0% 50 4.94M 3 Pristine Combat Armor, 1 Pristine Fire Resistant Fabric
Footwear Silent Exalted Vanquisher Pants 1,100.0% 50 4.42M 3 Pristine Combat Armor, 1 Pristine Straps
Helmets Silent Exalted Vanquisher Helmet 1,200.0% 50 5.23M 4 Pristine Combat Armor
Weapons Silent Exalted Vanquisher Rifle 2,000.0% 50 4.87M 3 Pristine Combat Armor, 1 Pristine Weapon Grip
Total 10,000.0% 50 32.77M 22 Pristine Combat Armor
3 Pristine Lever
1 Pristine Fire Resistant Fabric
1 Pristine Straps
1 Pristine Weapon Grip

Totals are based on three accessories.

All Gear Giving Infantry Armor Piercing Boost (basic boosts without enhancement)

Mod Sets Giving Infantry Armor Piercing Boost (Special Mod Set Boost)

All Standard Mods Giving Infantry Armor Piercing Boost

All Special Mods Giving Infantry Armor Piercing Boost

Mod Quality Level 6 Boost
Ultimate Grand Champion Mech Mod 100.0%

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