Mobile Strike Manufacturing Research Tree Icon
New Manufacturing Research Tree Added

By: on April 8, 2016

The new Manufacturing Research Tree has been added. Just the basics as far as known to us at this moment, which are the boosts and special skills for all levels, the prerequisites, resource and special items requirements for level 1 research of each project. It is much appreciated if you could share with us information about the research tree as you are researching it.
For Game of War players, where the previous 4 trees were, besides some name changes, identical, this one is different. Both the requirements for the individual research projects, but also the layout of the tree and the prerequisites differ. The only thing I do not see in Mobile Strike is the 6 Crafting Refinement projects, for the rest everything seems to be available.
As was common practice in Game of War, part of the tree is not yet available.

See: Manufacturing Research Tree