From some items in King of Avalon you need lots to develop your account. There are various ways, including shops, in which you can acquire these items. This overview shows for each of these building blocks in which shops you can acquire them. By clicking on a building block you will find an analysis in which shop you can best purchase it, by clicking on a shop you find an analysis which building blocks are relatively cheap in that shop.

In the table below we show for each shop, if a building block is available, first how many you get when making a purchase, followed by between brackets the cost in shop specific credits.

Note that in some situations (e.g. Refining Points) there is a different in what we call building blocks and the items you purchase in a shop. Click on a shop or on the building block to get a more detailed overview including the items. It is also possible one shop offers more than one item that contain the building blocks, in which case we only show the information for the most expensive one in this table, and all are listed in the detailed overviews.

Category Building Block Alchemist's
Alliance StoreConquest ShopGold StoreSpire LootSpirit Altar and
Trial ShopUndead Trader
Artifacts Holy Dust 1 (1,000)
Artifacts Small Artifact Materials Chest 1 (15,000)
Dragon Assault Power 10,000 (297) 10,000 (4,740) 500 (7) 500 (49)
Dragon Bright Emblems (I) 1 (26)
Dragon Brilliant Emblems (I) 1 (1,562) 3 (781)
Dragon Dragon EXP 100,000 (741) 20,000 (3,700) 11,000,000 (54,000) 5,000 (74)
Dragon Dragon Pendant 20 (54,000)
Dragon Dragon Skill Scroll Fragments 20 (54,000)
Dragon Guardian Power 10,000 (297) 10,000 (4,740) 500 (7) 500 (49)
Dragon Intensity Crystal (I) 2 (56) 8,192 (54,000) 4,096 (11,852)
Dragon Raw Radiant Emblem (I) Fragment 300 (31,250) 9 (14)
Dragon Raw Rare Radiant Emblem 3 (46,875)
Dragon Spirit Dragon Spirit EXP 25,000 (186) 2,500 (250)
Gemstone Raw Basic Soul Gemstome (IV) Fragments 1 (26,960)
Gemstone Raw Chivalry Gemstome (IV) Fragments 1 (214)
Gemstone Raw Flawless Soul Gemstone (IV) 1 (76,947)
Gemstone Raw Valor Gemstome (IV) Fragments 1 (10)
Gemstone Raw Valor Gemstome (V) 1 (2,885)
Gemstone Refining Points 170 (177) 11,110 (14,997)
Heroes Hero EXP 4,000 (37) 1,800,000 (54,000) 2,000 (54)
Heroes Hero Fragment Epic Standard 1 (185) 44 (54,000) 1 (2,679)
Heroes Hero Fragment Epic Tristan Kay 1 (3,055)
Heroes Hero Fragment Rare 1 (38) 1 (240)
Heroes Hero Fragment Regular 2 (19) 1 (60)
Heroes Summoning Horn 3 (250)
Lord Agate 1 (260) 1 (14) 1 (43)
Lord Amethyst Sapphire 1 (150) 1 (8) 1 (25)
Lord Cerussite, Pine, Bronze, Animal Hide 15 (560) 1 (2) 1 (7)
Lord Deathseeker Equipment Scroll Fragment
Lord Diamond 1 (5,500) 1 (300) 1 (916)
Lord Dragon Essence 7 (162) 1 (2,770)
Lord Emerald Amber 1 (75) 1 (4) 1 (13)
Lord Fluorite Galena Horn 1 (55) 1 (3) 1 (10)
Lord Lord EXP 100,000 (741) 100,000 (370,370) 500,000 (54,000) 5,000 (74)
Lord Marble and Cypress 1 (40) 1 (2) 1 (7)
Lord Rare Material Chest Fragments 100 (19,753) 1 (11,850)
Lord Ruby 1 (1,150) 1 (60) 1 (184)
Lord Small Material Chest 13 (64) 1 (590)
Prestige Statues Statue Material 120 (156)
Resource Food 1,500,000 (1,255) 500,000 (30,940) 180,000 (7)
Resource Iron 300,000 (1,230) 100,000 (30,300) 42,000 (8)
Resource Silver 75,000 (1,200) 25,000 (29,580) 4,000 (3)
Resource Steel 5,000 (11,200) 10,000 (370) 1,000 (12) 3,000 (13,330) 900,000 (54,000) 1,000 (222)
Resource Wood 1,500,000 (630) 500,000 (15,470) 360,000 (7)
Special Noble Badges 1 (29,040) 70 (54,000)
Special Prestige Banners 1 (580) 1 (16)
Special Speed Up Hours 1 (15,000) 3 (450) 3 (167)
Special VIP Points 100 (10,000) 100 (100) 100 (7,400)

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